Northern Ireland Art Page – Meet the Future Celebrities!

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Northern Ireland Art and Artists

There is something charming about the work of Northern Irish artists. Maybe it is the misty weather, the dramatic coastlines, the serene fields. Or maybe it is the the friendliness of the people that inspires. Or maybe it is just in the DNA of the Irish to be artistic. The Irish, after all, are well known for their musical and artistic talent. Whatever it is, without doubt this island has produced many artists of renown and Northern Ireland has had its fair share out of the total.

Here we will not list all of them; there would be too many to list and it would require a website dedicated just to this. We will not even list a representative collection. There are other websites and pages dedicated to this topic who do a much more thorough job. What we would like to do is showcase a few young or little known artists and bring to you some of their inspired works. We will start with a few, but will add more so keep visiting this page for updates.

Steven J. – painter.

Revel P. – poet.

Poems, Songs and Prayers

In addition to artists we will feature some traditional poems, songs and prayers, including famous funny limericks. Enjoy.

Irish Prayer for the Journey

Funny Irish Poems (Limericks)

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About the author

Originally from Scotland, Colin now resides near the beautiful seaside town of Portstewart on the Causeway Coastal Route. By day he works in IT and by day off he spends much of his time travelling around the Island with his young family, writing about his experiences for many sites both locally and nationally.