Drunk Driving in Northern Ireland – Do NOT Do It!
The Northern Ireland authorities are serious about driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. And rightly so, for it costs dearly every year in accidents and lives lost.
Currently (Mar. 2009) the legal alcohol limit for driving in Northern Ireland is 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood or 107 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine or 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath.
How much drink will induce these numbers may depend on your age, sex, metabolism and stress levels. To be safe DON’T DRINK AT ALL when you know you will be driving. To be even safer, don’t drink at all!
We are a family of teetotalers and enjoy life without coming under the influence of alcohol irrespective of whether we are driving or not. And we recommend this lifestyle choice to all!
For the most up to date information on Northern Ireland law on drinking and driving click here.
More Information About Driving
Now you know the rules about drinking and driving, do read about Seatbelt safety Laws.
Read about how to drive on the left of the road, the road system, roundabouts, and speed limits in Driving direction in UK and Northern Ireland.
Read about the adjustments you have to make when driving in Northern Ireland and Ireland, how to save money on car fuel, what to expect in a Petrol Station, tolls and road traffic, in Driving in Ireland webpage here.
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