Colcannon Recipe

Last Updated

Colcannon Recipe

Colcannon is an Irish potato recipe that is more popular in the Republic than in Northern Ireland. But you can still find it here. It is also popular in Scotland. It is in many ways similar to Champ. But in the Irish mind the two are clearly distinguished. So if you want to have a truly Irish experience you need to try both recipes and call them by their proper names.

Colcannon – an Irish potato recipe. Photo Credits: RFB Photography, and


1 kg potatoes

1 ½ cup Colcannon Cabbage

1 cup milk

½ chopped scallions

3 tablespoons butter

Salt to taste


Boil the potatoes in salt and then skin them. Ensure they are dry either by letting them rest on a towel for a few minutes or by putting them back in the pot so that the water evaporates and they are nice and dry. Mash them until they are nice and soft.

Boil the cabbage in salted water until nicely cooked and soft. Drain it and cool it by running tap water over it. Drain it again and place in a mixer together with the milk until the mixture is fine and smooth.

Simmer the chopped scallions in a pot with the milk/Colcannon mixture and the butter. Add the whole thing into the mashed potatoes and voila, the Colcannon potatoes are ready!

For a healthier version replace some of the butter with Greek extra virgin olive oil.

How to Serve

1. You can have Colcannon on its own. Serve it hot without any garnishing.

2. Chop three medium tomatoes into small pieces and spread over the Colcannon. Garnish with extra virgin olive oil and a little salt.

3. Put the Colcannon in individual plates and serve it with a poached egg.

4. Serve it as the potato part of your main meal.

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About the author

Originally from Scotland, Colin now resides near the beautiful seaside town of Portstewart on the Causeway Coastal Route. By day he works in IT and by day off he spends much of his time travelling around the Island with his young family, writing about his experiences for many sites both locally and nationally.